二、Qele Qele广场舞课堂
《Qele Qele》是由歌手Sirusho演唱的一首歌曲。
歌名:Qele Qele
Qele Qele歌词
Yes im hay hoghits eka berem
Hove sareri, luyse arevi
You wanna be with me,
You think and dream of me,
Come qele, move qele
Instead of watching me,
You should be reaching me
Come qele, move qele
Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qe-le
Time is here tonight,
You should make it right,
To end our fight, just hold me tight!
Hold me tight!
Hold me tight! Qele!
You wanna be with me,
You think and dream of me
Come qele, move qele
Instead of watching me
You should be reaching me,
Come qele, move qele
Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qe-le
Time is here tonight,
You should make it right,
To end our fight, just hold me tight!
Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qe-le
Time is here tonight,
You should make it right,
To end our fight, just hold me tight!
我是真的不想变老广场舞歌曲下载, 青青的江水燕子广场舞, 信阳阿佳广场舞(雪山阿佳), 广场舞很火的英文歌曲阿否油, 节拍舞蹈教程广场舞, 茉莉广场舞欲哭无泪分解教学, 糖豆广场舞牧羊姑娘动作分解, 云裳广场舞我和我的祖国服装, 杨丽萍原创广场舞背面, 曻韵广场舞吉祥, 到底为什么广场舞歌曲, 广场舞有氧健身操23分钟视频, 歌曲草原风格广场舞, 茉莉广场舞冮南梦, Qele Qele广场舞课堂。
Hove sareri, luyse arevi
You wanna be with me,
You think and dream of me,
Come qele, move qele
Instead of watching me,
You should be reaching me
Come qele, move qele
Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qe-le
Time is here tonight,
You should make it right,
To end our fight, just hold me tight!
Hold me tight!
Hold me tight! Qele!
You wanna be with me,
You think and dream of me
Come qele, move qele
Instead of watching me
You should be reaching me,
Come qele, move qele
Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qe-le
Time is here tonight,
You should make it right,
To end our fight, just hold me tight!
Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qele, qele! Qe-le
Time is here tonight,
You should make it right,
To end our fight, just hold me tight!
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