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    舞缘舞故《Lemon Tree》24步教学教程


    Lemon Tree广场舞 舞缘舞故《Lemon Tree》24步教学教程很多市民自发组织跳广场舞的活动,甚至自掏腰包买设备,虽然没有正规的场地,但他们的音响、镭射彩灯等设备却一应俱全。在带动下跳舞的市民越来越多,还有更多的人主动集资添置设备。团队中不少人还主动从网上看视频学习舞蹈,甚至到外地“取经”,学会后教大家,这样一来舞蹈种类也变得越来越多。参与者敬佩义务教群众跳舞的人,为了集体的健康和娱乐活动,他们不计报酬,负责带音响设备的几乎不会缺席,带动了市民甚至是一个城市的舞动。文昌二手房舞缘舞故《Lemon Tree》24步教学教程。。。关于舞缘舞故《Lemon Tree》24步教学教程详细为你介绍!

    I'm sitting here in a boring room.
    It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon.
    I'm waisting my time, I got nothing to do.
    I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you.
    But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.
    I'm driving around in my car.
    I'm driving too fast, I'm drving too far.
    I'd like to change my point of view.
    I feel so lonely, I'm waiting for you.
    But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.
    I wonder how, I wonder why.
    Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky.
    And all that I can see is just another lemon tree.
    I'm turning my head up and down.
    I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.
    And all that I can see is just another lemon tree.
    I'm sitting here, and I miss the power.
    I'd like to go out taking a shower.
    But there's a heavy clound inside my head .
    I feel so tired, and put myself into bed.
    Where nothing ever happens, and I wonder.
    Isolation is not good for me
    Isolation I don't want to sit on the lemon tree
    I'm stepping around in a desert of joy
    Baby, anyhow I get another toy
    And everthing will happen, and you wonder
    I wonder how, I wonder why
    Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky
    And all that I can see is just another lemon tree
    I'm turning my head up and down
    I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around
    And all that I can see is just another lemon tree
    I wonder how, I wonder why
    Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky
    And all that I can see
    And all that I can see
    And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree
    舞缘舞故《Lemon Tree》24步教学教程是舞缘舞故中的广场舞作品,舞缘舞故的Lemon Tree广场舞视频等你发现,舞缘舞故《Lemon Tree》24步教学教程由草原多么美广场舞精心整理。
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