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    home广场舞 壹壹《home》广场舞教学广场舞的功能和表演区域发生重大变化,从中华人民共和国成立以来,党和政府非常重视民众文化的建设和发展。特别是进入20世纪90年代以后,政府在县级以上城市建立了许多文化广场。随着社会的不断进步和发展,广场文化作为一种社会文化现象、广场文化重要表现形式的广场艺术,已经越来越受到人们的关注。广场舞正在悄然发生大的变化,广场舞从乡村走进城市,成为城市文化建设不可缺少的内容。文航花园壹壹《home》广场舞教学。。。关于壹壹《home》广场舞教学详细为你介绍!

    Another summer day
    Has come and gone away
    In Paris or Rome...
    But I wanna go home
    May be surrounded by
    A million people I
    Still feel all alone
    I just wanna go home
    I miss you, you know
    And I've been keeping all the letters
    That I wrote to you,
    Each one a line or two
    I'm fine baby, how are you?
    I would send them but I know that
    It's just not enough
    My words were cold and flat
    And you deserve more than that
    Another aeroplane, another sunny place,
    I'm lucky I know
    But I wanna go home
    I've got to go home
    Let me go home
    I'm just too far from where you are
    I got to come home
    Let me go home
    I've had my run
    Baby I'm done
    I wanna come home
    And I feel just like I'm living
    Someone else's life
    It's like I just stepped outside
    When everything was going right
    And I know just why
    You could not come along with me
    This was not your dream
    But you always believed in me...
    Another winter day
    Has come and gone away
    In either Paris or Rome
    And I wanna go home
    I miss you, you know
    Let me go home
    I've had my run
    Baby I'm done
    I wanna go home
    Let me go home
    It'll all be alright
    I'll be home tonight
    I'm coming back home
    健身操广场舞减肥操60分钟背面 乾县健康舞 广场舞65分钟视频 广场舞歌曲大全100首老歌连续播放 晨风广场舞椅子舞视频 青青世界广场舞vip 陈静广场舞最新舞蹈专辑 健身操广场舞减肥操60分钟简单 妹妹你是我的人48步广场舞 杨丽萍广场舞视频大全2021年最火广场舞 合集版广场舞60分钟高清视频佳木斯健身操

