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    盐城迎宾公园《Remember The Time》完整版教学


    Remember The Time广场舞 盐城迎宾公园《Remember The Time》完整版教学大妈们在广场舞结识,跳完了约着一起去买菜,闲暇的时候在社区附近一起遛娃,这似乎是中国大妈在现实生活中最佳的选择了。长弘·御墅盐城迎宾公园《Remember The Time》完整版教学。。。关于盐城迎宾公园《Remember The Time》完整版教学详细为你介绍!

    Do you remember
    When we fell in love
    We were so young and innocent then
    Do you remember
    How it all began
    It just seemed like heaven so why did it end
    Do you remember
    Back in the fall
    We'd be together all day long
    Do you remember
    Us holding hands
    In each other's eyes we'd stare
    Do you remember the time
    When we fell in love
    Do you remember the time
    When we first met
    Do you remember the time
    When we fell in love
    Do you remember the time
    Do you remember
    How we used to talk
    We'd stay on the phone at night till dawn
    Do you remember
    All the things we said like
    I love you so I'll never let you go
    Do you remember
    Back in the Spring
    Every morning birds would sing
    Do you remember
    Those special times
    They'll just go on and on
    In the back of my mind
    Do you remember the time
    When we fell in love
    Do you remember the time
    When we first met girl
    Do you remember the time
    When we fell in love
    Do you remember the time
    Those sweet memories
    Will always be dear to me
    And girl no matter what was said
    I will never forget what we had
    Now baby!
    Do you remember the time
    When we fell in love
    Do you remember the time
    When we first met
    Do you remember the time
    When we fell in love
    Do you remember the time
    Do you remember the time
    When we fell in love
    Do you remember the time
    Do you remember the time
    When we fell in love
    Do you remember the time
    Remember the times
    Remember the times
    Do you remember girl
    Remember the times
    On the phone you and me
    Remember the times
    Till dawn, two or three
    What about us girl
    Remember the times
    Do you, do you, do you, do you, do you
    Remember the times
    In the park, on the beach
    Remember the times
    You and me in Spain
    What about, what about...
    Remember the times
    Ooh...in the park
    Remember the times
    After dark...Do you, do you, do you
    Remember the times
    Do you, do you, do you, do you
    Remember the times
    Yeah yeah
    盐城迎宾公园《Remember The Time》完整版教学是盐城迎宾公园中的广场舞作品,盐城迎宾公园的Remember The Time广场舞视频等你发现,盐城迎宾公园《Remember The Time》完整版教学由放爱大草原广场舞精心整理。
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