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    “Oh I cant sit still with the hippy hippy shakes”是什么歌的歌词?《Hippy Hippy Shake》

    资讯日期:2018-07-12 19:38:33 浏览量(

    Hippy Hippy Shake广场舞 Hippy Hippy Shake广场舞~广场舞蹈是群众参与性很强的表演艺术形式。表演方式都以集体舞出现,少则几十人多则几百人.场面红火热闹。广场舞蹈一定是在广场上表演,表演场地一般都比较宽阔,表演人数不能太少。所以广场舞蹈一般都是以集体舞的形式来表现的。在宽阔的场地中表演大多都不用单人舞、双人舞、三人舞的形式来表演..。。“Oh I cant sit still with the hippy hippy shakes”是什么歌的歌词?《Hippy Hippy Shake》~~

    Hippy Hippy Shake

    《Hippy Sippy Shake》是由歌手swinging blue jeans演唱的一首歌曲。

    歌名:Hippy Sippy Shake

    演唱:swinging blue jeans


    所属专辑:《Les Coeur Des Hommes》

    Hippy Hippy Shake歌词

    For goodness sakes I got the hippy hippy shakes
    yeah I got the shakes I got the hippy hippy shakes
    Oh I cant sit still with the hippy hippy shakes
    yeah I get my fill now with the hippy hippy shake
    yeah its in the bag Oh the hippy hippy shake
    well Ive been shakin to the left shakin to the right
    you do the hippy shake shake with all of your might oh baby
    yeah come on shake oh its in the bag Oh the hippy hippy shake
    well Ive been shakin to the left shakin to the right
    you do the hippy shake shake with all of your might of baby
    yeah come on shake oh its in the bag Oh the hippy hippy shake
    Oh the hippy hippy shake Oh the hippy hippy shake

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