oh suzanna广场舞 oh suzanna广场舞~清平乐西郡陵水海景房很多市民自发组织跳广场舞的活动,甚至自掏腰包买设备,虽然没有正规的场地,但他们的音响、镭射彩灯等设备却一应俱全。在带动下跳舞的市民越来越多,还有更多的人主动集资添置设备。团队中不少人还主动从网上看视频学习舞蹈,甚至到外地“取经”,学会后教大家,这样一来舞蹈种类也变得越来越多。参与者敬佩义务教群众跳舞的人,为了集体的健康和娱乐活动,他们不计报酬,负责带音响设备的几乎不会缺席,带动了市民甚至是一个城市的舞动。含有“I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee.”是谁唱的?~~
《Oh Susanna》是由歌手Disneyland Children"S Sing-Along Chorus / Larry Gro演唱的一首歌曲。
歌名:Oh Susanna
演唱:Disneyland Children"S Sing-Along Chorus / Larry Gro
所属专辑:《Children"S Favorites, Vol. 1》
Oh Susanna
I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee.
I"m going to Louisiana, my true love for to see.
When it rained all night the day I left. The weather it was dry.
The sun so hot, I froze to death.
Susanna, don"t you cry.
Oh, susanna! Oh, don"t you cry for me.
I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee.
I had a dream the other night.
When everything was still,
I thought I saw Susanna,Coming down the hill.
The buck-wheat cake was in her mouth,
The tears were in her eye,
Says I I"m coming from the South,
Susanna, don"t you cry.
Oh, Susanna, oh, don"t you cry for me,
I"m going to Louisiana with my banjo on my knee.
Oh, Susanna, oh, don"t you cry for me .
I"m going to Louisiana with my banjo on my knee.