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    求歌名“I love you so much so you know”是什么歌的歌词?

    资讯日期:2021-03-19 02:00:55 浏览量(

    伦敦夜车广场舞 伦敦夜车歌曲~万悦·新天地跳广场舞的时盈滨海岸间选择要注意。有些人为了跳广场舞,一大早就起床,连早饭都不吃,还有些人,在晚上要跳到很晚才回家睡觉都是不可取的。空腹跳广场舞,可能导致低血糖的发生,严重者甚至会昏厥。跳舞到很晚,不仅影响周围居民的休息,还会扰乱自身正常的生物钟,影响睡眠,会导致多种慢性疾病的发生。此外,跳广场舞的场地一般会集中很多人,空气流通差,时间长了,对呼吸系统也会有影响。建议大家,最好饭后1小时再去跳舞,每次跳别超过1小时。求歌名“I love you so much so you know”是什么歌的歌词?~~








    Oh oh oh
    lt"s the time the last train to London
    I love you so much so you know
    How much I hate to say goodbye
    It"s a sad moment to say goodbye
    Just you and me standing at the station
    I"d really hate to leave you
    But I can"t be here with you now
    Cuz it"s the last train to London
    It was one those nights
    One those nights you feel the fires burning
    Everybody was there
    Everybody to share it was all right
    And you were on your own
    Looking like you were the only one around
    I had to he with you
    Nothing else that I could do
    I should have been away I knew I had to stay
    Last train to London
    Just heading out
    Last train to London
    Just leaving town
    But I really want tonight to last forever
    I really want to bewith you Let this music play around the light tonight
    it was one those nights when the music stops turning
    You were there,there was music up in the air
    I should have been away,but I had to stay
    I had to be with you,I had to be with You
    It was the train to London
    When we hit the starry skies
    I was still but I was nearly memorized
    I didn"t realize that love was in your eyes
    I nearly should of gone,but love went on and on

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